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My Utopia is a place that I wish
would exist It would consist of.......
My Utopia
A peaceful and tranquil existence, A sufficient amount
of nourishment to feed the starving, Being respected and appreciated, Enough shelters to house the homeless, Happy
times without pitiful drama queens and braggarts, Believing and trusting in and loyalty to God, Cures for all chronic
ailments and diseases, Enough wealth to pay for the everyday necessities, Faithfulness, true passion and unconditional
love, Understanding without criticism and malicious gossip, An assortment of amusements and hobbies to keep entertained,
A life of eternal happiness, and lastly, A distant and unattainable Island to send all who are abusive, immoral and evil
to bully one another.
by Rose Meri Charron copyrightŠ 2014
A "Colon Cancer" survivor