Mike Boisvert, (friend) Lisa & Janet Jankov, (cousins) Lorie Green, (adopted
daughter) Pat Robinson, (friend) Pat Andryachen, (friend) Christine Matton (friend) and Ellen Neely (adopted mother)
Joe Fontaine, (uncle) Marg Longpre, (friend) Larry Carignan, (nephew) Rick Vallencourt,
(friend) Jen Carignan, (niece) Edna Berry, (friend) Kathy Vallencourt (friend) and Pete Jankov (cousin)
Diane Dunker, (friend) Evelyn Hughes, (friend) Susan Carignan, (niece) Sam Green,
(adopted grandaughter) Chris Carignan, (nephew) Carol Carignan, (sister in law) Linda Hunt (friend) and Henry Douglas (friend)
Peter Grant, (friend) Jim Patton, (brother in law) Dona Brown, (friend) Gail
Grant, (friend) Jen Charron, (niece) Sue Anger, (niece) Kendall Carignan, (great niece) Kim Carignan (nephew) and Pat Carignan
(sister in law)
Tara Green, (adopted grandaughter) Craig Lichmayer, (friend) Carl Hann, (friend)
Ruth Patton, (sister) Gary Furlong, (friend) Gwen Barfoot, (friend) Laurie Carignan (niece) and Stephanie Green (adopted grandaughter)
Doug Hubacheck, (friend) Shirley Douglas, (friend) Deb Coughlin, (friend) Bud
Payne, (friend) Nancy & Antonio Karfakus (friends) and Josh & Kim Hebblethwaite (friends)
Val & Rob Lichmayer, (friends) Hilda Johnson, (friend) Tim Green, (adopted son
in law) Claire Turpin, (sister) Sherri Hubacheck (friend) and Pat & Adrian Alexander (friends)
George & Jeannette Stacey, (friends) Annette Rupert, (sister) Lynn Ralston,
(friend Andy Brown, (friend) Sarah (Cassie) & Dan Ruttan (friends) and Lee Charron (nephew)
Harvey Ralston, (friend) Tim Campbell, (friend) Smokie Bennison, (friend) Sharon,
(friend) Ron, (friend) Rosemarie Sohms, (friend) Samantha Ward (friend) and Shayne Wilson (friend)
Rob Frost, (friend) Ron Bordeleau, (friend) Ray Coughlin, (friend) Rev Veto
Booth, Friend) Mike Leclerc, (friend) Mark, (friend) Monica Campbell (friend) and Patty McIsaac (friend)
Gerry & Jim Hunt, (friends) Lorraine Bennison, (friend) Ken Johnson, (friend)
Janet Hart, (friend) George Dunker, (friend) Gary Parks (friend) and Dave Nabert (friend)
Frank (brother) Lynda (sister in law) & Shorty Charron, (hubby) Linda & Rob Flint, (friends)
Rusty Healy, (friend) Anita & Kim Mc Millan (friends) and Sue Ayott (friend)
Len Charron, (brother) Brian Ridley, (friend) Cecile (sister in law) & Bob Charron,
(brother) Annette & Andy Bates, (friends) Tom Browne, (friend) Linda Charron, (sister in law) Graham Harvey (friend) and Connie
Russell (friend)
Rob Diver, (friend) Kristen Parks, (friend) Bill Merrick, (friend) Keith Thornborrow,
(friend) Ron & Jean Mallion, (friends) Jimmy Russell (friend) and Bill Brown (friend)
Tom Kipp, (cousin) Brad Kipp, (cousin) Roger Charron, (brother) Pam Charron,
(sister in law) Melody Charron, (sister in law) Len Campeau, (brother in law) Ed Charron (brother) and Marg Charron (sister
in law)
Gloria Campeau, (sister) Joe Charron, (brother) Roger Turpin, (brother in law)
Lynda Charron, (sister in law) Frank Charron, (brother) Bob Charron, (brother) Carol Martin (friend) and Yvonne Groulx (sister)
Doug Charron, (nephew) Cecile Charron, (sister in law) Jim Patton, (brother
in law) Clarence Groulx, (brother in law) Robert Ouellette, (cousin) Joe Carignan, (brother) Sheryl Martin (friend) and Tim
Carignan (nephew)
Andy Lafond, (friend) Ashlee Fillier Campbell, (friend) Davey Martin, (friend) Gina
Belfeuille, Marianne Carignan, (sister in law) Carol Dennison, (friend) Brandon Fillier Campbell (friend) Gerry Fontaine (aunt)
Laurie Lauzon & grandson Lucas, (friends) Olive Hanrahan, (friend) Justin Hebblethwaite,
(friend) Judy Lafond, (friend) Jayne Martin, (friend) Frank & Joanne Hutnik (friends) and Ted Carignan (brother)
Larry Ross, (friend) Gabriella Carignan, (niece) Nicky & Adriana Klingohr, (niece and
nephew) Lonnie & Danielle Hanrahan (friends) and Maurice & Janet Poirier, (friends)
Marian & Don Mc Farland, (friends) Jim & Joan Goodchild, (friends) Mena & Buster Bacon
(cousins) and Doug & Amie Charron (nephew and niece)
Angus Gillis, (friend) Ori Steinberg, (friend) Audrey & Jim Calquehoun,
(friends) Eileen & Art Bechard (friends) and Sandy & Emile Viens (friends)
Marty & Jim Driscoll, (friends) Theresa & Bob Gray, (friends) Wayne & Rose Ann
Davies, (cousins) Mike & Anne Tracey (cousins) and John Boismier (friend)
Jack & Jeannine Tracey, (cousins) Janet & Pete Jankov, (cousins) Marylou & Tom
Kipp, (cousins) Larry Shentag (friend) and Henry Daynes (brother in law)
Cecile & Fern Grondin, (sister & brother in law) Jane Welton, (niece) Donald
Grondin, (nephew) Mark & Joanne Grondin, (nephew & niece) Melissa Grondin (great niece) and Amanda Grondin & Martin (great
niece & nephew)
Katie, Shawn & Sonya Welton, (great nieces and nephew) Marie Kipp, (aunt) Jesse
Grondin, (great nephew) Corey Andrews - Plante, (great nephew) Kimberly Cabana- Ladouceur (friend) and Gloria Bull (friend)
Cathryn Dunn, (friend) Brad & Helen Kipp, (cousins) Bob Hughes (friend) and Len,
Noel, Bridget and Christina Puhacz (cousins)
Roger Turpin, (brother in law) Dan Brecka, (cousin) Donna Brough, (cousin) Julian
Kipp, (cousin) Hank Brecka, (cousin) Larry & Pat Kelly (friends) and Harold (Moe) Dennison (friend)
Tony (Joe) Carignan, (brother) Terri Haddad, (cousin) Julie Rakus, (cousin) Mike
Cabana, (friend) Todd Rakus, (cousin) Tawnya & Stacey Kipp (cousins) and Roy Balkwell (friend)
Lisa Jankov, (cousin) Tom Fontaine, (uncle) Tom Brough, (cousin) Don Vollens,
(friend) Marilyn & Craig Morrison, (friends) Buryl Vollens (friend) and Marissa Rakus (cousin)
Caulette Myers, (friend) Philip Fontaine, (cousin) Derek McCloskey, (friend)
Lynsey Kipp, (cousin) Amber Black, (great niece) Tammy Ross (friend) John Tracey (cousin) and Rick Haddad (cousin)
Jim Easton, (friend) Don, (friend) Roy Balkwill, (friend) Sharon Scaife,
(friend) Shannon Steel, (great niece) Kelly Carignan, (niece) Kevin Charron (nephew) and Rachel Cartier (friend)
Beth & Mike Charron, (niece and nephew) Alison Lambert, (friend) Avery & Jason Carignan, (great
niece & nephew) Alan Belleperche, (friend) Bethany Coupe (friend) and Annette & Andy Bates (friends)
Jim & Wendy Easton, (friends) Brittany Easton, (friend) Vanessa & Jaclyn Gosselin,
(friends) James Easton, (friend) Kathi & Larry Alexander (daughter & son in law) and Shelby Alexander(granddaughter)
Sandii Dixon, (niece) Randy Turpin, (nephew) Bob & Patty Bantten, (friends) Rob
Piper, (grandson) Stacey Piper, (granddaughter) John Bantten (friend) and Courtney Bantten (friend)
Joe & Paulette Rupert, (nephew & niece) Brad & Terry Rose, (nephew & niece) Cecil
Rupert, (brother in law) Aaron Charron, (grandson) Chris & Tammy Rupert (nephew & niece) and Shauna Alexander (granddaughter)
Jessica Charron, (great niece) Mike France & Sue Charron, (great nephew & niece)
Tim & Dora Charron, (nephew & niece) Maureen Charron, (sister in law) Rod Charron, (nephew) Jen France (great niece) Karen
& Chris Marentette (daughter & son in law) and Chris Charron (great nephew)
Chad Marentette, (grandson) Jeanne & Ian Butchart, (friends) Chris Marentette,
(grandson) Terri Stark, (friend) Mike Charron, (nephew) Tyler Charron (great nephew) and Heather MacIntosh (friend)
Dave Barry, (friend) Jodi, Kate & Les Ross, (niece great niece & nephew) Jenna
White, (grandaughter) Heidi Godwin, (friend) Doug Carignan, (nephew) Katie Winger (friend) and Tanya Barry(friend)
Caroline Dunker, (friend) Ted & Cindy Hughes, (son in law & daughter) Tricia
Hughes, (granddaughter) Debra Belleperche, (friend) Candace Carrier, (friend) Robin & Brad Alexander, (friends) Chad Arnold
(friend) and Brenda Mayer (friend)
Cheryl Legace, (friend) Danielle & Justin, (granddaughter & grandson) Julie Hunt,
(friend) Joel Alexander, (friend) Vikki Hickson, (friend) Dalton Hickson, (friend) Sherry Hickson, (friend) Wayne Hickson
(friend) and Dan Marian (friend)
Lou Belleperche, (son in law) Wendy Belleperche, (daughter) Louis Belleperche,
(grandson) Kirk & Sheri McIntosh, (friends) Amanda Linton, (friend) Brian & Angela Charron (nephew & niece) and Jodie Cabana
Lorraine McFadden, (friend) Michael Cabana, (friend) Ryan Charron, (grandson)
Ricky Tracey, (cousin) Bob & Carol Cadman, (friends) Beverly Weber (cousin) and Barbara Tracey (cousin)
Shannon and Lindsay Stradeski, (friends) Bob Marentette, (friend) Debbie & Brian Goold,
(niece & nephew) Courtney & Jensen Courvoisier (friends) Dr. Arthur Weisebacher (friend) and Muriel Seaman (friend)
Jane Whelton, (niece) Kim McLean, (friend) Moe, (friend) Darryl Charron, (son) Joanne
& Wade Mc Nab (friends) and Roger Charron (brother)
April & Randy Turpin, (niece & nephew) Sy Yoshida, (friend) Becky & Gary Daynes, (niece
& nephew) Don & Katie Dufour, (friends) Jim Patton (nephew) and Jeanette & George Stacey (friends)
(If you don't see yourself on this page, it is because I don't have a picture of
you. I will gladly add one if you send a photo to my email addy)
Adrian Alexander, Pat Alexander, Corey Andrews - Plante, Armand "Buster" Bacon,
Phoebe Bates, Robert Bates, Roberta Bates, George Belleperche, Deanna Brecka, Hank Brecka, Andy Brown, Dona Brown, Gloria
Bull, Ray Burns, Audrey Calquehoun, Donna Lee Campbell, Len Campeau, Anthony (Tony) Carignan, Elio Carignan, Gabrielle Carignan,
Lawrence (Toots) Carignan, Norman "Ted" Carignan, Roland Carignan, Tina Carignan, Bruce Cartier, Alphie Charron, Delia Charron,
Earl Charron, Earl Charron Jr, Edward Charron, Eileen Charron, Grace Charron, Joseph Charron, Maureen Charron, Raymond Charron,
Vicki Charron, Margaret Chittle, Jensen Courvoisier, Wayne Davies, Henry Daynes, Carol Dennison, Henry Douglas, Shirley Douglas,
George Dunker, Wayne Dwyer, Linda Flint, Annette Fontaine, Darlene Fontaine, Edgar Fontaine, Edgar Fontaine Jr, George Fontaine,
Gerry Fontaine, Irene Fontaine, Joe Fontaine, Jude Fontaine, Philip Fontaine, Thomas Fontaine, Don Furlong, Angus Gillis,
Heidi Goodwin, Gail Grant, Cecile Grondin, Fern Grondin, Lori Grondin, Olive Hanrahan, Edwin James Hughes, Evelyn Hughes,
Robert Hughes, Gerald Hunt, Jim Hunt, Frank Hutnik, Peter Jankov, Larry Kelly, Bill Kipp, Marie Kipp, Russell Kipp, Tom Kipp,
Shawn La Fond, Joey Lauzon, Val Litchmeyer, Heather MacIntosh, Alma Marentette, John Paul Marentette, Leo Marentette, Bernadine
(Barney) Maure, Henriette Maure, Leonard Maure, Pam Mcgill, Claudette Myers, Dave Nabert, Ellen Neely, Bob Ouellette, Irene
Ouellette, Leo Ouellette, James Patton, Russell "Bud" Payne, Edna Pitts, Maurice Poirier, Larry Ross, Marie Ross, Annette
Rupert, Cecil Rupert, Dan Ruttan, Sarah (Cassie) Ruttan, Bedford "Tom" Seaman, Muriel Seaman, George Seguin, Michael Seguin,
Teresa Seguin, Larry Shentag, Joan Steen, Ory Steinberg, George Stacey, Bobby Towle, Nina Towle, Anne Tracey, Barbara Tracey,
Geraldine Tracey, Michael Tracey, Raymond Tracey, Richard Tracey, Claire Turpin, Emile Viens, Sandra Viens, Dr. Arthur Weisenbacher,
Sue Ann Willard, Sonya Wood, Lorna Yoshida and Sy Yoshida
All My Tears
When I die don’t cry for me In my Father’s arms I’ll be
The wounds this world left on my soul Will all be healed and I’ll be whole
Sun and moon will be replaced With the light of Jesus's face
And I will not be ashamed For my Saviour knows my name
It don’t matter, where you bury me I’ll be home and I’ll be free
It don’t matter, where I lay All my tears be washed away
Gold and silver blind the eye Temporary riches light
Come and eat from Heavens store Come and drink, and thirst no more
So weep not for me my friend When my time below does end
For my life belongs to Him Who will raise the dead again
It don’t matter, where you bury me I’ll be home and I’ll be free
It don’t matter, where I lay All my tears be washed away