Health Chart
Exercise to improve your body and your brain. Make time for physical activity,
start slowly and keep at it. Dont deny yourself of anything. Eating the right foods and the right amounts of foods can help
you live a longer and healthier life.
Fruit and Vegetables
apples --- protects your heart,
prevents constipation, blocks diarrrhea, improves lung capacity, (medium) 82 calories, fat tr.
apple juice --- (1 cup) 123 calories, fat tr.
apricots --- combats cancer, controls blood
pressure, save your eyesight, shields against alzheimers, slows aging process, (10 halves dried) 83 calories, fat tr.
artichokes --- aids digestion, lowers cholesterol,
protects your heart, stabilizes blood sugar, guards against liver disease
avocadoes --- battles diabetes, lowers cholesterol,
helps stop strokes, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin
bananas --- protects your heart, quiets a cough,
strengthens bones, controls blood pressure, blocks diarrhea, 106 calories, fat tr.
beans --- prevents constipation, helps hemorroids,
lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, stabilizes blood sugar
beans green --- (1 cup) 46 calories, fat tr.
beets --- controls blood pressure,, combats cancer, strengthens
bones, protects your heart, aids weight loss
blueberries --- combats cancer, protects your heart, stabilizes
blood sugar, boosts memory, prevents constipation
broccoli --- strengthens bones, saves eyesight, combats cancer,
protects your heart, controls blood pressure, (1 cup spears cooked) 48 calories, fat tr.
cabbage --- combats cancer, prevents constipation, promotes
weight loss, protects your heart, helps hemorroids
canteloupe --- saves eyesight, controls blood pressure, lowers
cholesterol, combats cancer, supports immune system, (1/2) 93 calories, fat tr.
carrots --- saves eyesight, protects your heart, prevents constipation,
combats cancer, promotes weight loss, (1 raw) 31 calories, fat tr.
cauliflower --- protects against prostate cancer, combats breast
cancer, strengthens bones, banishes bruises, guards against heart disease
cherries --- protects your heart, combats cancer, ends
insomnia, slows aging process, sheilds against alzheimers
chili peppers --- aids digestion, soothes sore throat,
clears sinuses, combats cancer, boosts immune system
corn --- (1 cup creamed) 194 calories, fat 1
figs --- promotes weight loss, helps stops strokes, lowers cholesterol,
combats cancer, controls blood pressure
fruit cocktail --- (1/2 cup canned, juice) 60 calories,
fat tr.
garlic --- lowers cholesterol, controls blood pressure,
combats cancer, kills bacteria, fights fungus
grapefruit --- protects against heart attacks, promotes weight
loss, helps stops strokes, combats prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol, (1/2) 39 calories, fat tr.
grapes --- saves eyesight, conquers kidney stones, combats cancer,
enhances blood flow, protects your heart, (10 grapes) 15 calories, fat tr.
kidney beans --- (1 cup red) 230 calories, fat tr.
lemons --- combats cancer, protects your heart, controls blood
pressure, smoothes skin, stops scurvy
limes --- combats cancer, protects your heart, controls blood
pressure, smoothes skin, stops scurvy
mangoes --- combats cancer, boosts memory, regulates thyroid,
aids digestion, sheilds against alzheimers
mushrooms --- controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, kills
bacteria, combats cancer, strengthens bones, (1 cup canned) 40 calories, fat tr.
olive oil --- protects your heart, promotes weight loss, combats
cancer, battles diabetes, smoothes skin
onions --- reduces risk of heart attack, combats cancer, kills
bacteria, lowers cholesterol, fights fungus
oranges --- supports immune systems, combats cancer, protects
your heart, stregthens respiration, 62 calories, fat tr.
orange juice --- (1 cup frozen deluted) 118 calories fat tr.
peaches --- prevents constipation, combats cancer, helps stops
strokes, aids digestion, helps hemorroidts, (raw) 37 calories, fat tr.
peas --- (1 cup green, cooked) 132 calories fat .5
pears --- (medium raw) 100 calories, fat 1
pineapple --- strengthens bones, relieves colds, aids digestion,
dissolves warts, blocks diarrhea
potato --- (baked) 148 calories, fat tr. (10 fries) 158 calories,
fat 8
prunes --- slows aging process, prevents constipation, boosts
memory, lowers cholesterol, protects against heart disease, (10 dried) 201 calories, fat tr.
split peas --- (1 cup) 244 calories, fat 1
squash --- (1 cup cooked) 75 calories, fat 1
strawberries --- combats cancer, protects your heart, boosts
memory, calms stress, (1 cup) 47 calories fat .6
sweet potatoes --- saves your eyesight, lifts mood, combats
cancer, strengthens bones
tomatoes --- protects prostate, combats cancer, lowers cholesterol,
protects your heart, (1 medium raw) 23 calories, fat tr.
tomato juice --- (1/2 cup) 22 calories. fat tr.
vegetables --- (1 cup mixed, frozen, cooked) 102 calories, fat
watermelon --- protects prostate, promotes weight loss, lowers
cholesterol, helps stops strokes, controls blood pressure, (1 slice) 118 calories, fat 2
Desserts and Nuts
apple pie --- (1/6 slice) 404 calories, fat 18
arrowroot cookies --- (2 cookies) 58 calories,
fat 2
cheescake --- (1/12 pan) 278 calories, fat 18
chestnuts --- promotes weight loss, protects your
heart, lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, controls blood pressure
chocolate bar --- (1 oz plain) 156 calories, fat
chocolate chip cookies --- (2 cookies) 104 calories,
fat 5
doughnut --- 165 calories, fat 8
fig bars --- (2) 100 calories, fat 2
hard candy --- (6 pieces) 116 calories, fat tr.
honey --- heals wounds, aids digestion, guards against ulcers,
increases enery, fights allergies
jams --- (1 tablespoon) 56 calories, fat tr.
peanuts --- protects against heart disease,
promotes weight loss, combats prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol, aggravates diverticulitis
popcorn --- (1 cup, plain, air popped) 25 calories, fat tr.
potato chips --- (10 chips) 108 calories, fat 7
social tea cookies --- (2 cookies) 58 calories, fat 2
walnuts --- lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, boosts memory,
lifts mood, protects against heart disease
Cereals and Breads
bagel --- 200 calories, fat 2
bran cereal --- (1/2 cup 100%) 90 calories,
fat 1
bran flakes --- (3/4 cup with raisins) 134 calories,
fat tr.
bread --- (1 slice rye) 61 calories, fat tr. (1 slice
white) 76 calories, fat 1 (1 slice 100% whole wheat) 61 calories, fat 1
bun --- (hamburger) 179 calories, fat 3
corn flakes --- (3/4 cup) 70 calories, fat tr.
corn puffed --- (1 cup pre sweetened) 114 calories,
fat tr.
cracker --- (4 soda) 48 calories, fat 1
flax --- aids digestion, battles diabetes, protects your heart,
improves mental health, boosts immune system
macaroni --- (1 cup, cooked) 164 calories, fat 1
muffin --- (1 medium bran) 104 calories, fat4
oatmeal --- lowers cholesterol, combats cancer, battles diabetes,
prevents constipation, smoothes skin, (1/2 cup cooked) 77 calories, fat 1
pancake --- 61 calories, fat 2
pita bread --- 165 calories, fat 1
rice --- protects your heart, battles diabetes, conquers kidney
stones, combats cancer, helps stops strokes, (1 cup white, cooked) 202 calories, fat tr. (1 cup brown, cooked) 214 calories,
fat 1
tortilla --- 65 calories, fat 1
wheat bran --- combats colon cancer, prevents constipation,
lowers cholesterol, helps stops strokes, improves digestion
wheat germ --- combats colon cancer, prevents constipation, lowers
cholesterol, helps stops strokes, improves digestion
wheat shredded --- (1) 95 calories, fat tr.
Meat Fowl and Fish
bacon --- (2 slices) 75 calories, fat 6
beef --- (3 oz corn) 226 calories, fat 17 (3
oz roast) 200 calories, fat 10 (3 oz lean sirloin steak) 186 calories, fat 8
chicken --- (4 oz fried) 364 calories, fat 18
(3 oz roasted breast, no skin) 148 calories, fat 3
cod, haddock and sole --- protects your heart,
boosts memory, protects your heart, combats cancer, supports immune system, (3 oz broiled) 150 calories, fat 5
crab and lobster --- (3 oz canned) 91 calories,
fat 2
ham --- (3 0z) 130 calories, fat 5
hamburger --- (3 oz broiled) 260 calories, fat
halibut --- protects your heart, boosts memory,
protects your heart, combats cancer, supports immune system, (3 oz broiled) 154 calories, fat 6
herring --- protects your heart, boosts memory, protects your
heart, combats cancer, supports immune system, (2 oz smoked) 116 calories, fat 7
lamb chop --- (3 oz lean) 169 calories, fat 7
liver --- (3 oz beef) 195 calories, fat 7 (5 livers chicken)
157 calories, fat 5
oysters --- (3 oz - 9 small) 59 calories, fat 2
pork --- (chop lean) 159 calories, fat 7 (sausage) 55 calories,
fat 5 (2 medium spareribs) 235 calories, fat 18
salami --- (1 slice) 56 calories, fat 4
salmon --- protects your heart, boosts memory, protects your
heart, combats cancer, supports immune system, (3 oz canned) 182 calories, fat 11
shrimp --- (3 oz canned) 104 calories, fat 1
tuna --- protects your heart, boosts memory, protects your heart,
combats cancer, supports immune system, (3 oz canned, water) 143 calories, fat 1
turkey --- (3 oz roasted) 161 calories, fat 6
veal --- (3 oz cutlet) 215 calories, fat 12
weiner --- 118 calories, fat 11
Milk and Produce
butter --- (1 teaspoon) 36 calories, fat 4
cheese --- (1.5 oz cheddar) 161 calories, fat 15,
(1.5 oz processed) 169 calories, fat 14, (1.5 oz mozzerella) 118 calories, fat 7,
cottage cheese --- (1/2 cup creamed) 123 calories,
fat 5, (1/2 cup 2%) 107 calories, fat 2
egg --- 75 calories, fat 5
ice cream --- (1/2 cup) 142 calories, fat 8
margarine --- (1 teaspoon) 34 calories, fat 4
mayonnaise --- (1 tablespoon) 100 calories, fat 11
milk --- (1 cup skim) 90 calories, fat tr. (1 cup
whole) 159 calories, fat 9, (1 cup 2%) 128 calories, fat 5
milk shake --- (1 cup chocolate) 250 calories, fat 6
salad dressing --- (1 tablespoon french) 64 calories, fat
sour cream --- (1 tablespoon) 23 calories, fat 3
table cream --- (1 tablespoon) 28 calories, fat 3
tofu --- ( 3 oz) 68 calories, fat 4
whipped cream --- (1 tablespoon) 16 calories, fat 1
yogurt --- guards against ulcers, strengthens bones, lowers
cholesterol, supports immune systems, aids digestion, (1/2 flavored) 136 calories, fat 2, (1/2 cup plain) 79 calories, fat
beer --- (10 oz) 145 calories, fat 0
green tea --- combats cancer,
p rotects your heart, helps stops strokes, promotes weight loss, kills bacteria
liqueur --- (2 oz creme de menthe) 210 calories,
fat 0
soft drinks --- (1 can) 119 calories, fat 0
tea/coffee --- (1 cup) 2 calories, fat 0
water --- promotes weight loss, combats cancer, conquers kidney
stones, smoothes skin
wine --- (3 1/2 oz white) 77 calories, fat 0